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How to get liquid xp ender io r/PathOfExileBuilds. Hey guys, Attempting to get liquid XP into Ender Tank Tried fluiducts and EnderIO liquid conduits to no avail. Then you want to make something like a pick with as high of an enchantibility stat as you can. It will pull or push (or both, or neither) depending on where the arrows on the Item Conduit point to. But thanks, the next time I have this problem the EIO's way will be the chosen one. Liquid XP. Thank you. Why are my conduits red. I usually just give them an Etheric Sword. reReddit: Top Need Liquid XP: XP Boost enchant. I would recommend Ender IO Experience Obelisk, It has Infinite Space and it somewhat cheap to make. The XP can also be The XP Vacuum is a block added by Ender IO. rhn Too Much Free Time. Get Fyi, if you want to get actual xp from the liquid xp, pipe it to an OpenBlocks tank and rightclick with an empty hand. No response. are the conduit set to extract without redstone signal?? also i highly recommend pumping liquid xp to Ender IO Experience Obsilek as it has nearly infinite capacity and causes less lag/fps drop This was it exactly. Steps to reproduce. gg/warch-club-692052164281106452 Javier's Twitch: https://www Ender IO tanks can use liquid XP to repair items with a mending enchant. Weather Obelisk. Add a Comment. The Fluid Tank from Ender IO may have XP Fluid from Just Dire Things justdirethings:xp_fluid_source piped into it but does not produce Bottle O Enchanting like expected of a XP Fluid. Does the grinder Built with πŸ’– by Team Ender IO. I'm running FTB Revelation, pack version 3. dump all your player xp in to it, then right click it with a bucket, then right Send the berries to an autonomous activator. Currently on FTB's Agrarian Skies 2 modpack. Built with πŸ’– by Team Ender IO. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. It can be used to create new enchanted books by combining a Book and Quill with another item, along with a few levels of XP. Is any method to get something similar for obelisk from ender io? Locked post. Or give it the xp manually. Industrial Foregoing does have a "Fluid Dictionary Converter" block which has pre-made conversions for known-to-be identical fluids (like EIO's Liquid XP, IF's Essence, and Thermals's Essence of Knowledge; OB Tanks don't fill upwards, so the ones behind the wall will never recieve any Liquid XP. Nutrient Distillation can be made in The Vat from Water and can be used to generate µI in the Zombie Generator and Frank'n'Zombie Generator. The bucket trick worked like a Built with πŸ’– by Team Ender IO. The easiest way is to set up the industrial foregoing enchanting machines along with a mob crusher to get liquid xp. If you're just looking for a system to hold XP that can supply liquid XP to machines without directly connecting cables to the obelisk, then I suggest the Actually Additions phantom face. It is easily the best XP storage mechanic I've used so far. Reply reply On the wiki website for Ender IO it says that "Items killed by the mobs are left on the ground, but XP orbs will sucked up by Killer Joe. It is used to create Endstone and Block of Solid Ender. And a large supply of books. Wait about an hour and change (real time) Harvest ender lily and ender pearl. 8M mb of it), so having a good block to store it will be very helpful. Pray to the Minecraft Gods that you get an extra ender-lily spawn. To add Experience to the machine, one can use a Fluid Conduit connected to a tank or other source of Liquid XP; alternatively, one can use the Experience Rod to place Experience inside Make a Exp obilisk from enderio, put it next to the vacuum. The BC pipe was a last resort still no success. area of a fluid conduit connection where you can pick up a bucket and click on one of those squares to filter for the liquid in that bucket. Or you can just make the experience stick and use another liquid storage block (left click to store, right to withdraw. Expected Behavior. Last edited: Apr 13, 2015. The fastest way to put XP you have stored onto the player character is the EnderIO Experience Obelisk you can pump liquid XP in at the standard rate of your preferred liquid Liquid XP can be obtained by collecting XP Orbs with an XP Vacuum or by emptying Bottles o' Enchanting in the Fluid Tank. Reply reply Top 3% Rank by size . If getting XP back onto your player is all you want though you can just right click the tanks for a level Reply reply Ender I/Os enchanter is for making enchantment books only. the xp particles cause lag -> Assuming the server is hosted by a toaster '-' No way to get the exp back then , best you can do is to get levels with the ender io obelisk (which can store infinite liquid xp btw) directly and then use the xp extractor to create mob essence. Then used fluid extraction Reply reply TheKrazyKrow β€’ For much earlier game though, porcelain tank and tome of knowledge are much easier to obtain (as stated in another comment), for basically the same outcome, just much less automated it seems lol. XP Vacuum. I converted Essence from the Mob Crusher into Open Blocks Liquid Experience and pumped It stores XP and levels. 1 Recipe. I've got 20 pressurized tanks and I need to drain them all into a black hole tank as quickly as possible. Set the shared side to give exp from the obilisk to the vacuum and give the obilisk your levels. It takes a little bit of dark steel and 2 diamonds to craft, but I've found a ton of dark steel in loot chests, so you don't even have to get into the mod to get one. Should help with balance, since there wouldn't be a potential for easy XP dupe. Top. I've been able to pump the liquid xp from the Create item drain into a fluid tank from Mekanism but anyway into the soul binder doesn't seem to work, not even directly from the item drain. Needing that liquid XP tries to push players into recognizing that. Nov 11, 2013 5,706 4,420 333. Put a vacuum hopper on top of the activator. The system is designed to collect every possible enchantment on a tool or a piece of armor and then you just pick the books with the enchantments you need I made a mob drop. Controversial. Reply reply More replies More replies. I was gearing up to use an old trick of gathering lava from the nether as a source of power, and was planning on using Dimensional Hello! I have a ton of liquid experience inside of my fluid grid, but no way of getting it out, in ATM8 there isn't a "bucket of experience" item, so I was thinking of using an exporter, but I have no way to select the liquid experience to be exported, any help would be great! EDIT: I just had to drag the liquid experience from JEI into the Fill/empty Glass Bottles to get Bottle 'O Enchant. Is the openblocks xp tank actually called "xp tank"? Because that is not liquid xp there you have in the drum, it's essence. it says that the binder has an inventory for Liquid XP but it doesnt accept any. Ender The Fluid Conduit is a conduit added by Ender IO. Open comment sort options. Or stand next to the vacuum hopper and get some like that. The other types can be filtered to a scpecific fluid by right-clicking the conduit with a bucket. Vacuum Chest. t The Experience obelisk is both an Experience Rod and Liquid XP tank that stores a practically infinite amount and gives great control to the player on how much to despite/withdrawal (+-1, +-10, +-all). Use xp wand from ender io and store liquid xp in tank(s)(not cheapest in kappa, but easy and imo best method) Reply reply Baronista β€’ I don't know how it is named but you can use something that looks like tap from mob grinding utils on like open blocks tank I have been getting back into modded Minecraft through MC Eternal(version 1. Reply reply Problems with Ender IO Experience Obelisk in Enigmatica 2 Problem Hello Guys :D I've got a fully automatet XP Farm and i am storing my XP in those EIO Experience Obelisks. Similar to the Ender Collector from 1. B: β€œ<β€œ Retrieve 1 player XP level β€œ<<β€œ Retrieve 10 player XP levels β€œ<<<β€œ Retrieve all player XP levels. i can hook up a tank with an OpenBlocks Drain, but that takes way to long to be any kind of effective. Need it to kill faster: Stack sharpness+wrath etc. The mod is centered on various kinds of teleportation and adds many different machines and items for all purposes, including ore processing, farming mobs, transport, automation, and player progression. That way you can get all the enchantment books you want (no randomness, like when using an enchantment table) and then apply them to your gear using an anvil. Yeta Wrench. 3) recently. A player can retrieve and store XP using the GUI or using an Experience Rod. Old. Ender IO has the experience obelisk, which can store an infinite amount of XP Reply reply Aspacid β€’ You can also just empty hand-right click on an Openblocks tank with liquid xp in it to gain exactly 1 level for each click. Ender IO has also some Photovoltaic Cell, but I never used them. This way whenever I come up with a new spawner that has liquid XP as an output I just hook it up to the same ender tank network and it all goes into the obelisk it seems that you didn't configure the vacuum hopper to output liquid xp to the conduit. Basically craft an experience obelisk. It can Best way to use it is to place it beside an XP Obelisk and set one of them to push+pull mode. You want the enchanter machine and the enchantment extractor. XP Buckets are obtained by using an Empty Bucket on a tank that contains at least 1 bucket of the fluid. To 'configure' it you'll need a bucket of liquid xp. This block is used to turn liquid experience into experience orbs. Repair Damaged Items with Mending Enchantment via right-click on XP Storage. Out of ideas. Gold is the highest vanilla material but silent gear can get My friend and I used experience pylons and an ender tank to get liquid XP. Get an experience crystal and pump it via fluid pipes or something similar into the machine block. gg/warch-club-692052164281106452 Javier's Twitch: https://www. 0, on Minecraft 1. The XP Drain is a block from the OpenBlocks mod. In the moment that I posted it, I just wanted to get rid of the XP, since I don't like having that amount of it all time. Use fluiducts or something to transfer the juice to a railcraft tank or openblocks tanks. Subreddit for all things survivor io, the free mobile strategy game from the producers of Archero r/ender3. Reply reply cancrena β€’ I need exact exp also for the dark steel anvil and the ender io enchanter though, and they cannot receive it automatically from a conduit Reply reply Zelfana Put Ender Pearl in Smeltery. So i used an Ore dictionary converter to make Liquid Xp but i can neither translocate or conduit it into the Soul binder from Ender IO. You can Ender IO added the XP Vacuum block. It's passive power, but too weak and too expensive in my opinion. Travel Anchor. I don't know of one that does the same as ender io obelisk. :( Share Add a Comment. Wireless Charger. These modes can be toggled independently. It will import with or without a fluid disk in it. reReddit: Top posts of June 5, 2020. This item is simply a bucket of liquid experience. As mentioned above you can use Computer Craft melee turtles and Extra Utilities Gold/Diamond spikes. But here is the problem: i can retrieve XP but not store XP. My Mob Farm produces a lot of Liquid XP (I have around 1. Fluid is Liquid XP:Ender IO. Extra Utils also has liquid transfer nodes. You use book&quill + lapis + sth enchantment specific (+ XP) to craft enchantment books directly. So I'm trying to store and use some XP from an XP cow I have. Best. The enchanter has a wide variety of craftable enchanted books. . The energetic infuser has a flux reconstruction augment that uses essence of knowledge (Thermal's version of liquid XP) to repair any item, mending enchant or not. kuhwahn β€’ generally you could use a bucket or any container containing the said fluid and place it in the filter, it should register the fluid in it. Ender IO adds 10 fluids: Nutrient Distillation. Its input and output can be automated with Fluid Conduits. Reply reply Went to the Nether, brought back some Wither Skellies to get their skulls Fought the wither a couple times Built a top-tier Woot factory for Withers (fed with skulls from Deep Mob Learning machines) Got Game Over Loot Crates from the Woot factory to get creative drawer upgrade, then put a Game Over create into the creative drawer Huge upgradable pickup radius and holds up to 16 buckets of liquid XP. More posts you may like r/NLSSCircleJerk. It's a massive tank for Liquid XP (same XP limit as players, over 20k levels), and has GUI buttons to transfer 1 level, 10 levels, or all stored XP. 2. Liquid experience is not a placeable liquid, therefore it can only be placed into Tanks. The Reservoir then can be used as a source of infinite Water generation; any Water taken away from it will be replaced It can use the liquid xp directly and enchant exactly at the level you want provided you have the bookshelves or any other blocks that give enchant boost around it. 12. To If you have some mob grinding system with a mob crusher set up, you can pipe out essence into a fluid dictionary converter, convert it to liquid XP, then pump it into a cyclic experience pylon. Sound Is there a way to repair Mending items with liquid XP, Essence? Alternatively is there a good way to repair items without mending? Thermal expansion’s energy infuser has an augment that allows tools without mending to be repaired with power and liquid experience. Ender IO is a large, ender-themed mod that combines technology with magic. What happens: Fluid is imported via importer into the system. It takes a book and quill, lapis, experience, and another item depending on which enchant you want. It is not available, and has been deleted. ". For other uses, see Reservoir. Need Emeralds: Capitalist. New. It doesn't look like Ender IO's Liquid XP, and there is not a Fluid version of the Ore Dictionary so auto-converting can't be assumed safe. If the pack has Industrial This page is about the Reservoir from Ender IO. Ender IO is your solution here. 1 Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved Expert Mode; 2 Usage; 3 Enchanted Books; Attractor Obelisk β€’ Aversion Obelisk β€’ Creative Buffer β€’ Ender IO β€’ So I've built a machine that produces xp for my by putting bottles o' enchanting into ender io pressurized tanks to extract the xp. Pour liquid ender on obsidian to get end stone. The enchanter from Ender IO lets you make any enchant. Anyone have any ideas here? I can't seem to find what the issue is as to why it won't accept the liquid exp. The directional settings of the Fluid Conduit can be modified by right-clicking it with a Yeta Wrench. It can be used to repair items enchanted with Mending in a Fluid Tank or it can be collected into A quick and easy-to-follow "How To Guide" on how to store and transfer Exp using the Obelisk and Rod. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Liquid XP can be used for mending directly in certain Ender IO machines. Collect nearby XP Orbs by right-click with a Redstone Torch to activate XP Vacuum (9x9x5 Blocks). Liquid Ender is created by melting an Ender Pearl, a Block of Solid Ender or an Enderman in the Smeltery. Experience is stored in the Killer Joe and can be retrieved by the player through the GUI. That makes sense. WARNING: This tutorial assumes you have the necessary co I know i can make exp orb from extra utilities and next setup small system to use them and collect as liquid xp, or store as that orbs, but i think it's not usefull when i need for example 4 lvl. I needed a reason for that nice green color and didn't want to have a bucket of liquid XP as part of the recipe. I heard there's an XP obelisk from Ender IO, is that fast ? T. If you want XP, you can use an XP bottler. I don't know in The GUI can be accessed by right-clicking on it. One level at a time). Top 1% Rank by size . This could be added to the Experience Obelisk; or a new machine could be added, like a Liquid XP Infuser. If the recipes that need Liquid Exp has been set to also use Experience Obelisk mods 's bucket, otherwise EO mod would be best to store levels until you get an Experience Crystal or the Singularity Drain from Mob Grind Utils to drain into something else. I just figured this out, you take an xp drain and put it on a tank. Members Online. I was using pressurized fluid conduits, rather than the ender fluid conduits, so I didn't have the filters in the GUI. Also there is the option of Ender Io's Killer Joe, Draconic Evolutions mob grinder. Plant ender lily again. However you can I show you How To Use Fluid Conduits In EnderIO**SOCIALS** Javier's Discord: https://discord. Upgrades. Open comment sort options For posterity the recipe for Jelly Babies works with fluid/liquid XP and Essence from Industrial Foregoing. Fluid Conduits can automate its input and output. Put obsidian in a casting basin. It does not go into the fluid disk, but says it's available in the system. Reddit . Skip to main content. I will look into the Ender IO obelisk as well. 1. Walking over an XP Drain when it is on top of a Tank will move the experience from the player to the Tank. ender IO fluid filters allow However, for particularly expensive upgrades there may not be a large enough Ender IO Tank to hold enough Liquid XP to activate the item. is it just not possible or is there another way? like does it only use player xp? You can pipe it into the obelisk from ender IO also why not use the XP crystal, it's probably the best option Reply reply JohntheBarbarianMP β€’ it wont let me pipe from an xp drawer into the crystal, something about the xp being different fluids or something - will try the obelisk tho tysm! I have tried the XP Bottler from open blocks but I cannot connect fluiducts to it. If I use a fluid tank (ender io) to convert bottle o enchanting to xp juice, then that imports, stores and exports fine using filters. Local Environment I used an ender tank and pumped it into ender IO's experience obelisk just so that I wouldn't need modular storage. Built with Docusaurus. All you need is a create printer (i think it says so) and A: β€œ>” Store 1 level of player XP β€œ>>” Store 10 levels of player XP β€œ>>>” Store all player XP. It’s similar to a Vacuum Chest and can collect XP orbs in a 5-block radius. The XP Vacuum will attract XP orbs and turn them into Liquid XP, but needs to be primed with The Liquid Experience is flowing from the Magma Crucible to the Fluid Tank but it won't flow from the Fluid Tank to the Experience Obelisk no matter what I use as an intermediary. If you have a fluid conduit line that always has XP in it, you can also connect that. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the That's good. 7, but it collects XP too. The Reservoir is a multiblock added by Ender IO. It'll collect the liquid XP. I tried using pipez too, it works without a filter, but if you whitelist all the xp fluid variants (including the just dire things xp fluid, I think there are 5 now?) then it stops working too. For one, 1000mB of XP is quite a lot, and then crafting with Forge Buckets is a major pain [Ender IO] Can fluid conduits be set up to have whitelists/blacklists? Share Add a Comment. Apr 13, 2015 I preferred to use What is the best way to get liquid XP from a vacuum hopper? Simply place any tank next to it, go to the side selection tab, click the relevant side, and then check the box. 3. Even sucks through walls, it instantly transports items as they appear so it massively reduces lag too. Translating Ender IO. Pump XP fluid from a Just Dire Thinks EXP Collector using Pipez Fluid Pipe into EnderIO Fluid Tank; Insert Bottle; Expected However, for particularly expensive upgrades there may not be a large enough Ender IO Tank to hold enough Liquid XP to activate the item. EnderIOs works. Found a movie about the NLSS, here's the poster upvotes · Ender Fluid Conduit; The GUI of all Fluid conduits is split between their 2 modes: insert and extract. D: Config; You can extract or given XP fluid to blocks The thing is, that i find it much easier and simpler than ender io enchantmenting. Actually additions adds an item repairer that only uses energy and not a form of experience (it’s pretty expensive The Soul Binder is a machine added by Ender IO. Repeat steps 7 and 8, planting more ender lilys as you get them. Hook it up to an Experience Obelisk from EIO and your item sorting system and you're set. There are ways to automate mob killing to get XP. How to Test. Edit: I missed that you have Thermal as well. Tips for the f2p demo version on itch. Contents. Using these methods and a vacuum hopper, you can automatically store the XP in the Ender IO experience obelisk I have the endervoir and i'm using ender io fluid tanks to try to extract water from the endervoir and put it into the farming station but I can't seem to find any way for the farming station to take water from anywhere. Sort by: Best. More posts you may like Top Posts Reddit . It is similar to a Vacuum Chest, and can collect XP orbs within a 5-block radius, . When attached to a Tank containing liquid experience and powered with a redstone signal, it will shoot the orbs downward. These orbs can be picked up using an XP Drain, MineFactory Reloaded Sewer, a player, or a similar machine. Is there a known max amount that a bottle can give? Maybe the manual crafting costs that much liquid XP to create a bottle, and you run the risk of getting back less XP from the bottle than it cost to make. Salvaging Upgrades. The other option is to set up a controlled miner using an unbreakable tinker's tool with a copper part so it just creates xp out of nothing. Making a 2x2 square of Reservoir blocks and then right-clicking it with two Water Buckets to fill it will form the multiblock. Loading. You then use the tome to put all the exp into your experience bar. Wh Xp Fluid tank. It can also repair items with the vanilla mending enchant when stored in an Ender IO tank. Current Behavior When setting the XP obelisk to pull from an adjacent tank, it only starts actually filling once the tank it Skip to content. and put all the exp liquid into a fluid transposer, then you put the xp into a Tome of Knowledge. The Fluid Conduit respects gravity; it cannot pump fluid up. An activated Dark Steel Upgrade has an Enchantment Shimmer, and includes some information on how it can be installed in the tool tip. io? comments. It can be also set to input/output Liquid XP from or to an adjacent tank/pipe. As we will see later in this guide, you can remove upgrades from What modpack? I would typically use something like ender IO fluid or pressurized fluid conduit because it's the easiest, no need for additional parts like the servo. One Ender Pearl will make 250mb of Liquid Ender, while melting now just set the tank to import the lava bucket to the system then have either another Ender IO tank or TE fluid transposer with an export bus to extract the liquid back into the system . Then walk on the drain and its all instantly turned into Openblocks exp. My question is the vacuum hopper will suck in xp, im assuming it will be liquid. Connect to an experience obelisk from ender IO Reply rshuman11 You can use the Fluid Dictionary Converter from Industrial Foregoing to convert it to any other experience liquid. It just gives me the interface for the tank. Insert; Channels (1) (Ender Fluid Conduits only) Priority (2) (Ender Fluid Conduits only) Filter Upgrades (3) (Ender Fluid Conduits only) Extract; Channels (4) (Ender Fluid Conduits only) Part of its crafting recipe is an item that allows you to make liquid XP. replace the tanks behind the wall with some sort of liquid transfer pipe, (such as Ender IO Fluid Conduit) feeding in the tank the shower is on. 5. Ender IO added the XP Vacuum block. Images, memes, etc for the Northernlion Live Super Show crew. Reply reply Liquid Ender is a liquid created by melting an Ender Pearl or Block of Solid Ender in the Smeltery, or by causing an Enderman to take damage in a Smeltery. It was created by CrazyPants and is currently maintained by HenryLoenwind and tterrag1098. Q&A. Can forget all about durability then and decent enough damage. Jul 29, 2019 1,393-7 0. Reply reply If you have Ender IO, pump the Liquid XP into the Experience Obelisk. New comments cannot be posted. Otherwise, pump it into an OpenBlocks tank and that should work. You can pipe into and out of experience obelisks with liquid xp, and the interface will let you withdraw exact levels. r/feedthebeast A chip A close button. Most Tanks should logically be able to work with the XP Drain, but the OpenBlocks Tank is assured to work. r/NLSSCircleJerk. so im using the liquid transfer node and i need to use the filter but i dont know how to put the fluids in it Share Sort by: Best. This block is used to transport experience from the player into a Tank in liquid form. Is there a better way to transfer my liquid xp, or am I just setting up my pipes wrong? I have 2 resonant retrievers connected to my black hole tank Experience Obelisk's Liquid XP can be gotten out with Pipez into a tank. Only Ender Fluid Conduit can accept Fluid Filters. I have it stored in a fluid tank next to an xp obelisk but I can't get it to flow from the tank into the obelisk nor can I get level out of the tank with the XP rod. By recovering XP orbs on the ground, it can I show you How To Use Soul Binders In EnderIO**SOCIALS** Javier's Discord: https://discord. Other basic crafts like sticking in a bucket to get a Bucket of XP Juice works just fine, it just seems to be the XP bottle craft that doesnt seem to work. A place to talk about POE builds, The XP Shower is a block from the OpenBlocks mod. Putting empty bottles in the place as previously mentioned should yield the XP bottle craft from the fluid tank, as per JEI. Inside the GUI, the amount of XP stored is visible in levels, and the player can store or retrieve 1, 10, or all levels of XP. People told me to: Relog: I did and nothing Current Behavior When setting the XP obelisk to pull from an adjacent tank, it only starts actually filling once the tank it is attached to has pushed into it once Is there an existing issue for this? I did not find any existing issues. Type1Ninja New Member. Aug 20, 2015 #2 AndyMASH said: I have 2 setups: - 1 with 20 Industrial Apiaries with Edenic Bees (that give you the Explorer effect, which gives you XP) and 10 Bee Collector's Jars that can hold an aditional 10 Edenic bees; Get the Liquid XP from The fastest way to put XP you have stored onto the player character is the EnderIO Experience Obelisk you can pump liquid XP in at the standard rate of your preferred liquid transport system and pick any number of levels up in a moment. It is used to transport fluids when powered with a Redstone signal. The Killer Joe (or an upgraded version of it) could also accept liquid XP for mending and remove all experience orb attracting as an alternative fix for XP vacuum doesn't work as good I remember Ender I/O had something like this at one point, RIP. Got a grinder at the bottom with a vacuum hopper and a tesseract, along with some ender io conduits. Edit: oh and there's also the vanilla way of putting it in your off hand and collecting XP orbs. C: Levels of XP that are stored inside of the Experience Obelisk. Are you pumping the fluid "Liquid XP" in a Fluid Tank from EnderIO? You should instead make an experience obelisk from the same mod, and pump your "Liquid XP" into that instead. As we will see later in this guide, you can remove upgrades from equipment by On this video corrected edition of Mod Guide we take a look at the Liquid XP system from Open Blocks, seeing exactly how it works and what machines use it. Hootch, Rocket Fuel, Fire Water and Nutrient distillation are fluid created in The Vat from Ender IO. You place an XP vacuum down, you put a bucket of liquefied experience or a bucked of liquid essence into it so it turns green (dont remember which one) Then you put an XP obelisk on top and in the configure menu you make it pull from the XP vacuum, then all the experience that the vacuum collects will go into the obelisk The XP Bucket is an item from the OpenBlocks mod. By consuming power and liquid experience, it can convert the type of monsters a Broken Spawner will spawn by binding it with a filled Soul Vial. More poking it has shown that any interaction with inserting via the fluid grid also deletes the fluid inserted, even if that fluid is Openblocks has an XP drain, which can take your XP into tanks when you stand on it, then a shower to get it back later. Liquid XP can be obtained by collecting XP Orbs with an XP Vacuum or by emptying Bottles o' Enchanting in the Fluid Tank. Recipe β € β € β € β € β € Attractor Obelisk β€’ Aversion Obelisk β€’ Creative Buffer β€’ Ender IO β€’ Hey guys, how do i get exp out of the vacum hopper, tryed looking at the wiki and on youtube but got nothing. YOU can also use the fluid transposer in the step above , i use EIO tanks because they require no power and can push/pull from the same side. wjmgn eutd pyqbh tbsv jvdbu ihaqonh pwci bem eigqfxo fynw uel ewgdl cgzkkd qusp kljc