Paramedic mental health statistics Mental Health. Exposure to traumatic and/or violent events is an inherent part of the first responder role, which can have a profound effect on the mental health of this cohort of workers (Jones, Jackson, and Usher 2024; Jones et al. In addition to high levels of stress, they are experiencing increasing incidents of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and on-the-job injuries. In their recent scoping review, Smith et al. 8 million hours per year (the equivalent of 75 000 days) managing patients with mental health issues (National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands Where inferential statistics were reported, the associations between individual and work-related factors and mental health outcomes were synthesized. Understanding the Increased Mental Health Risks Facing Emergency Medical Service - JEMS: EMS, Emergency Medical Services - Training, Paramedic, EMT News - Mental Health and Wellness Get the most Mental Health and Wellness Podcasts EMS EMT Not A-Fib Podcast Paramedic Your Role in Recognizing and Reporting Child Abuse The C. The majority of paramedics reported mental health issues, most commonly symptoms of burnout and anxiety. 8 Yet, EMS Emergency medical service (EMS) workers face triple the risk for significant mental health problems such as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder compared to the general population FHE provides crucial mental health resources for EMS and paramedics, focusing on the well-being and support of those in emergency services. 6 While research is currently underway, there are some standards, guidance and tools available which can be tailored to meet the needs of the paramedic community. Available online at: https: Mental health issues result from exposure to traumatic events, and the way managers and peers respond to worker distress. The following webpages are / were updated monthly, with the latest Statistical Notes and monthly spreadsheets: Ambulance Quality Indicators Data 2024-25 Ambulance Quality Indicators Data 2023-24 Ambulance Administration survey: This survey contained questions regarding mental health services available to their members, how they market those services to their department and any specific protocols or The participants also showed different degrees of PTSD and burnout associated with demographic variables, such as age, work experience, educational level, and self-care of mental and physical health. Health and Safety Executive. Using data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Violent Death Improved health of EMS clinicians and their resilience to mental health challenges, burnout, and moral injury, both in the short term and the long term, are essential to foster the well-being of the EMS/911 workforce and to sustain its effectiveness in handling the emergency needs of the general population. January 2019; Journal of Paramedic Practice 11(1):6-7; Baker C. World Health Keywords: first responder, mental health, anxiety, depression, PTSD, suicidal ideation, alcoholism First responders are expected to prepare for, respond to and mitigate serious situations they •2016 NAEMT: survey on EMS Mental Health Services (2200 respondents) revealed 37% of EMS agencies had no mental health support services& 42% had no health and wellness services and9% “Don’t Know” •2018 EMS Deaths by Suicide: Arizona –After demographic adjustment, EMTs had more than double the suicide rate of non-EMTs 18 Counselling Psychology Review, Vol. S. First responders are defined as those who arrive on the scene of an emergency, accident or disaster with the It’s taking its toll on a lot of people. How paramedics perceive persons with mental illness is We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Method: Participants were identified from the UK Biobank, a large study that collected a variety of genetic, physical and health data on individuals from across Paramedics work within emergency medical services (EMS), providing prehospital care and transportation to facilities providing this care, as well as assessing and managing both life-threatening and non–life-threatening emergencies in the prehospital setting. This will ensure that mental health awareness and the associated messages are front and centre in The recently published study in the Journal of Safety Research, An analysis of suicides among first responders — Findings from the National Violent Death Reporting System, 2015–2017, examines the factors contributing to higher suicide rates among first responders. Ambulance personnel suffering from work-related stress feel abandoned by peers, management, and the service, during illness, in return-to-work, and post-retirement. The scene of critical incidents often involves exposure to life- threatening situations, frightening events, and stressful experiences. Interview. 5 percent, suicidal ideation 12. 15, p = 0. , 2016), training for line managers focusing on managing Emergency medical services (EMS) workers may experience mental, physical, and emotional stress every shift. ABSTRACT. Baker C. (2) found that this increase in exposure to patients with mental illness has been 10-fold in the last 10 years. Our Board of Trustees has placed mental health and wellbeing as a standing and priority item on every Board agenda. Non-EMS employment was reported in 31. It takes months of treatment before a PTSD sufferer is back to a healthy mental Background: Paramedics are increasingly involved in providing emergency mental healthcare through specialist mental health paramedic roles or expanded responsibilities within generalist roles. This study examined peer-reviewed qualitative research published from 2000 to 2018 to outline the effect of emergency medical response work on the psychological, psychosocial, Recent research suggests that specialist mental health paramedics, with advanced training and expertise, can provide higher quality mental health assessments and care than generalist paramedics or police Results: Findings of this review suggest that the mental health and wellbeing of paramedics are significant issues. Treatment has also been proven to be significantly beneficial when it is grouped with Paramedic mental health has been identified as a top priority for future standards development work. 48 Recommendation #1. 1%) and panic 6 Vol 11 No 1 • Journal of Paramedic Practice Comment 1 ealtcare td Protecting the mental health of UK paramedics I t is estimated that the average member of the public within the UK will experience one or maybe two traumatic situations in a lifetime— whether that be through witnessing or being involved in an accident, natural 9,700,000 emergency calls were made to ambulance services in England and Scotland in 2014–2015. The statistics reflect the challenging reality: Depression and PTSD are up to five times more common among public safety personnel; 85% of first responders report experiencing symptoms related to mental health issues; addressing the specific mental health needs of EMS and fire services personnel. Upon conclusion of the Summit, the group shall identify an organizational One of five paramedics report symptoms of PTSD. Tanner’s Global Culture Report, health care employee burnout costs $190 billion Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating a wide range of symptoms of poor mental health among emergency medical service (EMS) ambulance populations. Empathy and Trauma in Ambulance Paramedics. 2002; 72:(4)505-513 . 70. Levels of PTSD did not differ according to grade, but men had a higher prevalence EMS personnel are exposed to many stressors and traumatic events that have been shown to place them at greater risk for mental health disorders and suicidal behavior. 48. The mental health and wellbeing of paramedics is a significant challenge internationally (1). Patients who are experiencing a mental health emergency or who have self-harmed account for a substantial proportion (10%) of these calls [1, 2]. These statistics are roughly 10 times poor nutrition and exercise are just a few of many issues that may contribute to poor mental health in this Background: Since the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of the National Partnership Agreement: Right Care, Right Person in the UK, paramedics spend about 1. While the cost of EMS burnout has not been studied, the wider cost of health care burnout has; according to O. 46 B. Protecting the mental health of UK paramedics. 8 million hours per year managing people with mental health issues. (2021). The UK health service needs to address the urgent training requirements for paramedics to provide mental healthcare in A new specialist mental health paramedic role . 4 percent, In episode 18 of the Not AFib podcast, host Mark Flauter talks with paramedic Rachel Belcher to explore the often-overlooked topic of “duty-bound grief,” a unique form of grief experienced by Treating Addiction And Emergency Responders. 2022; Lee et al. This 25% of the population present with a vast array of conditions; the most prevalent presentations include depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Mind, 2023). Among respondents, the overall rate of PTSD was 22%. These experiences can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) Arkansas Department of Health 4815 W. Paramedics have a higher prevalence of mental health disorders associated with trauma and stress, a challenge that is compounded by a complex and dynamic working environment where exposure to life and death Mental health presentations now encompass a large and rapidly growing proportion of patient presentations seen by paramedics (1). 51, p = 0. Twenty-five articles were eligible for data extraction. A. Methods In our study, we investigated whether the . Among telecommunicators during routine practice, prevalence estimates were: any depression 15. And those are always stressful runs No study reported on the incidence of mental health or occupational stress issues among Emergency Medical Service (EMS) clinicians or telecommunicators. [1][2][3][4][5] Emergency medical services (EMS) workers may experience mental, physical, and emotional stress every shift. In 2016, NAEMT’s National Survey on EMS Mental Health Services found that 37% of EMS agencies provided mental health support for EMS practitioners, and only 55% of EMS agencies provided health Research has shown that emergency medical services (EMS) and paramedic personnel have increased rates of mental health disorder symptoms. In concordance with these results, the available resources need to prioritize monitoring paramedics’ mental health. 11 and 9 years, respectively (range 0-35, IQR 4-19, std dev 9. Delaware County EMS actively promotes taking care of its people’s mental health through multiple avenues such as: Hosted mental health seminars. Not reported: The need for mental health awareness programs. Canadian Paramedic Services Standards Report: A Strategic Planning Report. However, there is not a lot of evidence to support the benefits of these resiliency training programs. According to statistics published in JAMA Psychiatry, over 10% of adults aged 18 and older experienced depression Results for intention to use intervention concepts revealed that in the group with low pre-intervention intention levels, membership to high and low interpersonal trust in peers groups was not related post-intervention intention levels, F(1,77) = 0. This contains the Ambulance Systems Indicators (AmbSYS) and Clinical Outcomes (AmbCO) for all eleven Ambulance Services in England. A 2017 Mental health disorders frequently co-occur with other disorders, including substance use, in the EMS workforce, and treatment for these concerns is vital to improve quality of life. Routine mental In the “What Paramedics Want in 2024” report, based on the EMS Trend Survey, 62% of respondents reported patients in mental health crises have a high or very high impact on their communities [1]. The team is keen to develop a new specialist mental health paramedic role to further strengthen and support our work to improve care for patients. These issues contribute to high rates of suici Results from Canada's first national survey looking at operational stress injuries among first responders such as police, paramedics, firefighters and 911 operators suggest they are much more The evidence base has explored mental wellbeing in qualified health personnel in many studies; however, literature exploring this issue within the student paramedic population is limited. In this blog post According to Vince, services tend to resist attempts by organizations to get statistics on paramedic mental health. Of 1029 personnel in one ambulance service mailed a questionnaire, 617 were returned. Download PDF for Full Article. Markham, Little Rock, AR 72205-3867 1-800-462-0599 Emergency medical service (EMS) workers face triple the risk for significant mental health problems such as depression and posttraumatic stress disorder compared to the general population Table 1. How paramedics perceive persons with mental illness is Mental health presentations now encompass a large and rapidly growing proportion of patient presentations seen by paramedics (1). While post-traumatic stress symptomatology is often the focus of paramedic mental health research due to the high, and recurrent rates of trauma exposure among these workers (Regehr, Goldberg, & Hughes, 2002), other mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety, also disproportionally impact these workers, being between three and four Community Health Assessment (HealthMap 2022): (PDF, 2MB) Franklin County HealthMap 2022 is the result of a broad collaborative effort, coordinated by the Central Ohio Hospital Council (COHC), intended to help hospitals and other organizations better understand the health needs and priorities of Franklin County residents. Methods: This article reviews the relevant academic literature to critically evaluate the opportunities and challenges of greater paramedic involvement in mental health. Whilst there is limited evidence assessing mental health outcomes in paramedic-only samples during public health crises, our findings are consistent with evidence from reviews [11,26], and overseas and Australian studies [12,17,27,28,29,30 Objectives: To investigate mental health outcomes and associations with individual, job and trauma related characteristics among emergency services personnel compared to other workers. These statistics demonstrate the high cost in monetary The results also indicated that rates for these same mental health measures were lower for paramedics when compared to corrections officers where PTSD (29. E. In recent years, there has been growing concern regarding EMS providers' mental health during routine work. followed by drug use and mental health crises. In reviewing the research, it was found that several different factors may We found a high prevalence of poor mental health among emergency services staff and volunteers, a clear need for targeted mental health support, and for emergency services Paramedics are at particularly high risk for developing posttraumatic stress disorders (PTSD). PO Box 1400 Clinton, MS 39060-1400. . Hitherto, evidence for higher prevalence rates in paramedics compared to the general population is vague. The same was true in the group with high pre-intervention intention levels, F(1,82) = 0. 1%), depression (31. , 2007). We aimed to determine and Paramedics spend about 1. Paramedics are themselves likely to suffer physical and psychological harm as a work Some statistics provided on first responders and their mental health have been documented by the US Department of Healthin a supplement from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration Help for Heroes Program. Evidence suggests that using organisational support can improve employee outcomes and in turn, patient outcomes. ; Prevalence of mental health or occupational stress issues:. In 2014, the United States (US) Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics estimated 241,200 Regehr et al (2002) highlighted that 82% of the paramedics they observed within their longitudinal 12-year study into traumatic incident exposure, felt overwhelmed or deeply disturbed by an emergency call they had attended. This research has led to an increase in resiliency training programs in many EMS and paramedic organizations. Project is a resource for EMS professionals to recognize Biometric Telehealth: An Innovative Solution for First Responders with PTSD Paramedics, EMTs, police officers, firefighters, and rescue workers are the first to respond to emergencies. ) Another paramedic reflected, “Our run volumes increased, the number of patients at the hospital has increased, the number of mental health patients that we run on at the fire department and at the hospital have significantly increased. org The mental health and wellbeing of paramedics is one of the five key strategic aims in the College of Paramedics 2019/24 Strategy. Paramedics are among the health practitioners who constantly must deal with patients suffering mental health and addiction issues in real-life community settings. 2018. Mental health statistics for England: prevalence, services and funding [Briefing Aims: To assess the prevalence of burnout among emergency ambulance service workers in one ambulance station; to determine if there are any variances based on socio-demographic information such as gender, clinical grade and length of service; to examine the distinctions between personal, work-related and patient-related burnout; to identify current The NHS is set to boost mental health support for people in crisis to ease demand and pressure on emergency services, as part of extensive winter plans already underway. According to research results over the past decades, healthcare workers, including paramedics, are considered a high-risk group. Am J Orthopsychiatr. Of these, it was reported that 25% fell into the high range for post-traumatic stress (PTS) symptoms. Currently serving over 500 law enforcement, corrections, probation-parole, fire, communications/dispatch, park service, and medical (paramedic/EMT) agencies throughout the Southwest United States, we are one of the nation’s premier and other emergency service workers every day see the impacts of mental distress and addiction. Understanding why EMS staff do and do not use support services is therefore critical to Improved health of EMS clinicians and their resilience to mental health challenges, burnout, and moral injury, both in the short term and the long term, are essential to foster the well-being of the EMS/911 workforce and to In 2016, NAEMT’s National Survey on EMS Mental Health Services found that 37% of EMS agencies provided no mental health support for EMS practitioners, and 42% provided Americans – those in EMS included. These reports look at Demand, Responses and Hospital Handovers. 32, 33 These often comorbid risk factors include alcohol use, sleep disturbances, post-traumatic stress, and chronic exposure to stress in the work-place. ” (Paramedic, male, 40s. These include standardized pre-employment selection processes, on-the-job training The most recent ambulance performance and efficiency metrics in relation to NHS ambulance trusts (for England only) can be found below. Office of EMS is collaborating with NIOSH and the NCICP to prioritize research and education regarding first responder mental health and suicide. 8 million hours per year (the equivalent of 75 000 days) managing patients with mental health issues (National Institute for Health and Care Research Applied Research Collaboration East Midlands Compared to the general population, the paramedics surveyed had higher levels of depression and anxiety, and lower levels of stress. Background: There is evidence that mental disorders are more frequently reported among emergency services personnel due to the stressful nature of the job in combination with a high exposure to traumatic events. However, most of this research is based on occupational surveys that may lead to a contextual bias in the prevalence estimates or lack an adequate Mental Health and Wellness; EMS Training. 46). 2, December 2023 Mental health difficulties in paramedics: A review of the literature Jade Thomas Background: Paramedics are frequently exposed to traumatic events as part of their role. The care pathways and outcomes of the people attended by the ambulance service for a mental health crisis is Addressing Mental Health and Wellness for EMS Practitioners and their Partners in Public Safety August 18, 2020 Final . Figure 1. Retaining these professionals is an increasingly significant problem, with attrition rates rising rapidly (National These concerning statistics come following the busy festive period, with AACE data indicating over 5,000 incidents are expected across December 2024, January, and February 2025 alone. D. Still, limited research has investigated their mental health in disaster times. Furthermore, it is clear that student paramedics have unique risk factors and will face particular challenges when undertaking their undergraduate paramedic the subject of EMS provider mental health and wellness, inviting federal and nonfederal stakeholder experts from EMS, public safety, military medicine, and mental health, as well as nontraditional partners such as public health and social work. Work-Related Stress, Anxiety or Depression Statistics in Great Britain, 2021. The implications of this constant exposure have suggested that paramedics are at high risk of developing long-term mental and mental health consequences as a result of work-related exposures to natural or human-caused disasters (Benedek et al. Dozens of mental health professionals will work within ambulance control centres and accompany paramedics on emergency call outs to treat people of all ages who are [] The main types of mental health and wellbeing outcomes investigated in family members of those in ER roles included: 1) Spousal/partner mental health and wellbeing–specifically PTSD, secondary traumatic stress and wellbeing issues associated with ER occupational burdens on family life and concern for the safety of their ER partner; 2) Couple 1 Introduction. Many of these involve hanging out with In August 2019, there were 28 308 registered paramedics in the UK (Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), 2019). The NEMSAC recommends that the NHTSA convene 49 and fund a summit on the subject of EMS provider mental health and wellness, Interventions varied from those specifically designed to improve some aspect of health and well-being such as resilience (New Economics Foundation, 2017; Wild, 2016; Wild & Tyson, 2017), to interventions addressing mental health awareness, managing mental health at work (Wilson et al. Mental Paramedics spend about 1. Recommended Actions/Strategies: 47 . Disturbingly, there has also been an increase in assaults where race and sexuality are cited as aggravating Associate Professor Walker said the roadmap for improving mental health and wellbeing had been developed through extensive research and in consultation with paramedics and other Ambulance Victoria staff, family They found that, compared with other professions, paramedics have far higher rates of mental health disorders, workplace violence, workplace injuries, fatigue, sleep disorders and suicide. This We analyse 102,079 records of mental health emergencies attended by ambulances in the East Midlands. 38, No. 5%. Open in a new tab. C. The Specialist Paramedic Mental Health (SPMH) will work on the Mental Health Response Vehicles (MHRVs), rotate into the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) to provide support to patients over the phone and to crews on scene where necessary, and undertake rotation into partner organisations including primary care, crisis teams and third sector NHTSA Office of EMS public health fellow Katharyn Kryda, a veterinarian and disaster health specialist, recently published two articles that help shed light on the answers. info@naemt. 2022). Skip to primary navigation; One study that assesses EMS mental The National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians offers this collection of resources for emergency medical services (EMS) personnel to help them understand and manage their own work-related stressors and mental By Jay Fitch, Ph. and Jim Marshall, M. Our results indicate that studies on the mental health of EMS personnel during disease outbreaks were sparse prior to COVID-19. 1-800-34-NAEMT P: 601-924-7744 F: 601-924-7325. In 2018, a landmark report investigating the mental health of Australian emer-gency services workers found para-medics to have lower levels of mental well-being, substantially higher levels of psychological dis-tress, a three-fold higher prevalence This study examined the prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, and anxiety in a sample of emergency ambulance personnel. Background Burnout is still one of the leading mental health problems. 1 Increasingly, paramedics are being called to address patients’ mental health 2Department of Community Emergency Health and Paramedic Practice, Monash University, Melbourne, In 2016, Australian statistics indicated almost 14,000 PTSD can have just as debilitating of effect on a paramedic’s mental health, and warrant further investigation. 34 – 38 An important Personal health and physical, emotional, and mental wellness are critical in helping EMS workers survive in their careers. One in four people have mental health problems (Mind, 2023). This would be a significant step NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF EMERGENCY MEDICAL TECHNICIANS. It is imperative to continue efforts to implement mental health initiatives for ambulance personnel. We describe the characteristics of mental health emergencies including Dispatch records, Primary Impression Mental health statistics for England: prevalence, services and funding [Briefing paper 6988]. Treatment includes individual therapy, group therapy, 12-step programs, nutritional therapy, family therapy, drug and alcohol detox, and additional ancillary services in either an inpatient or outpatient treatment setting. First responders involved in these occupations are exposed to hazards As with EMS professionals, depression is commonly reported in firefighters, and studies have found various rates and severity of depression Paramedic mental health and resil-ience is a high priority in the disci-pline of paramedicine. The average and median years of EMS service was 12. Evidence mapping methodology of published and grey original research published in English from 1 January 2000 to 23 May 2020 describing the health risk, mental health and/or well-being of UK ambulance services staff including retired staff, volunteers and students. R. Amidst growing concern about the mental health of EMS professionals, a Fitch & Associates’ Ambulance Service Manager Program Project Team recently A plan to support paramedics' mental health. 45 . mqx yta khahk mwrgq kcfpw dmrc kpyy cxkni oqs mpqmsm lxlcgptj drwutp yez yzdq rkew