Ruger mini 30 ammo These are chambered in Russian 7. 11. I purchased the ammo to use in a CZ 527 but was pleasantly surprised to find that it functions in the Mini. Magazines weren't keeping the tip of the bullets up high enough to clear the front edge of the stock 20 round magazines. For over 75 years, Sturm, Ruger & Co In this video, I shoot the Ruger Mini-30 and discuss the rifle. Four out of five holes touching at 50 yards. 62x39mm caliber into a compact package, with barrels typically in the 16-18” range. Thank you for looking at this. A forum community dedicated to Ruger firearm owners and enthusiasts. I have a Rem 700 already but looking for a light carbine for short shots and light as far as hunting ammo I found Federal fusion 123 grain soft point available at local thanks for the help PPU offers ammunition that has a round nose like Ruger's official comment regarding ammunition is, "Only factory ammunition manufactured to U. It functions and feeds A few simple adjustments can make your Ruger Mini 30 feed like a champ. 2 of them fired on second attempt and the last one required a 3rd attempt, but eventually fired (I know, if it doesn't fire on 2nd attempt The underlying problem with trying to fire cheep Russian-designed ammo out of the Mini-30 is mostly due to the Russian primers sitting lower in their pockets than does the primers in SAAMI-spec ammo coupled with the fact that the Mini-30 has less firing pin protrusion than the SKS/AK platform. 2. In addition, the magazine's spring is formed from heat-treated stainless steel wire and has an injection-molded magazine follower. However, it may cause slightly more wear on the rifle compared to brass-cased ammo. Based on the legendary M1 Garand’s gas-piston action, the Mini Thirty offers a unique blend of reliability, accuracy, and versatility. Can steel-cased ammo cause increased fouling in the Mini-30? Steel-cased ammo can potentially lead to slightly more I shoot a Ruger Mini 30 and use imported steel case ammo. P. The Ruger Mini Thirty Semi-Automatic Rifle brings the power of the 7. Can Mini-30 Shoot Steel-Cased Ammo? Yes, the Ruger Mini-30 rifle is capable of shooting steel-cased ammunition without any issues. The Ruger Mini Thirty is an extremely Ruger’s Mini-30 and Russian steel case ammo? Does Ruger’s Mini-30’s problem with Russian steel case ammo really have anything to do with the steel case or (more likely) is it a problem with Berdan primers? December 1, 2020, 05:52 AM #2 Ruger Mini-14 and Mini-30. ) We were early in the era of 7 I am new to both the forum and to Ruger Firearms, and having recently bought a NIB Mini-Thirty I can add the following in regards to ammo. Hi guys new to this site looking for success stories about using the mini 30 for North East deer hunting. 040 So I think I'm good to go with the cheap steel cased ammo. If I stuck with quality brass ammo the Mini-30 was an excellent rifle. The Ruger Mini 30 is a handy little hunting carbine. The AR-15 carbine, Ruger Mini-30, and bolt action rifles function best with brass cased ammo; Generally, accuracy will be better when shooting brass cased ammo; Top 5 Best 30-06 Ammo for Deer Hunting; Best 30-06 Ammo for Accuracy; Best 300 Win Mag Ammo for Deer; Best M193 Ammo for Stockpiling; One of the most prevalent Ruger mini 30 problems is shooting the ammo. I am 67 and just not going to mess with those wonderful mods. While the AR-15 gets all the glory these days, Ruger's popular Mini-14 and Mini-Thirty rifles appeal to many shooters looking for either a more traditional-looking gun or a "gray man" (Web-search it if you're not up to speed on survivalist jargon) type of firearm. Also, the 7. I know the 556 is out there but Alot of good advice here, here's my two cents, i have some old "Guidebook for Marines" back in the days when they still used corrosive ammo. I bought brass case domestic ammo, fired it, then reloaded it, never an issue. Ruger Semi-Auto. Ruger Mini Thirty Semi-Automatic Rifle standard features: Ruger Mini Thirty Black / Stainless 7. 4. 45 Auto (ACP) 10mm . The steel cases are coated in some sort of lacquer for corrosion protection, which I think has been causing On to topic. Would have happily paid Ruger instead of Century/Cugir/Romania but the thought of leaving those 100 dollar thousand round cases of 7. At the time, large quantities of surplus military ammunition were being imported into the United States at rock-bottom prices. Russian milspec ammo has the primers set deeper in the primer pocket, why they That has been 30-30 and . Before I started shooting, I wanted to test the Mini-30’s reliability with different types of ammunition. At first glance, the Ruger Mini Thirty autoloading rifle may not seem like much, but this rifle can trace its bloodlines back to some of the most respected military rifles–the M1 Garand and the M14. Come join the discussion about optics, hunting, gunsmithing Mini-14 Vs. Ruger tried it in 308 and 243 (XGI). 7. Cart . 30 cal. 99 Special Price $1,103. Industry Standards should be used in a Ruger firearm. Despite their external similarities and The effective range of the Mini-14 and Mini-30 can vary depending on the ammunition used and the shooter’s proficiency. This is a widely known engineering flaw in the carbine, that Ruger has stubbornly refused to fix. 63x39mm rifles. 30-30 or . My Cart With a little tinkering on my 1980’s Mini 30, and handloaded ammo, at my last trip to the range I was able to pull out a 3/4″ group at 200 yards. 308 S&W SD40 VE, MP Shield 9mm, Ruger Mini 30, Saiga 7. After two outings and about 420-450 rounds through it I had 3 FTF. Stuff that sold for $189 a case a year ago is now selling for $589. The steel cases are coated in some sort of lacquer for corrosion protection, which I think has been causing Hmmm, just took possession of my new Mini-30 Tactical, and after going thru the owners manual, was unable to see any warnings about using Russian/Chinese ammo or for that matter Berdan type primers. 62x39 mm, the semi-automatic rifle uses an action similar to that of the M1 Garand and the M-14. Q: I’ve been shooting Russian-made 7. 62X39 ammo and therefore use Boxer primers anyways. 1K views 23 replies Mini-30 ammo I have had an interesting experience with the 30. I have a 200 rounds in the old white with blue writing boxes. Only need to rebarrel Mini 30 and ready to shoot. The Ruger Mini-Thirty 7. So, I put the heavy after market spring in but still is not 100%. Too bad it's steel cased. As a military cartridge for foreign armies, bullet diameter is . 62 x 39mm 20 round magazine on the offside of the buttstock. Secure, but readily accessible, this gives the shooter a Cases made from Lapua 220 Russian SRP brass and 52,000psi, 2. Others like the Minis simply because they're fun. Thank you for your input, I appreciate it. The other option is their Military Classic ammunition. Foreign brass cased ammo works just fine as well, but may give up some accuracy. Know I know that it will be a Mini-14 Tactical for me next year. So, I will be adding the longer firing pin. spritzer softpoint for your mini-30 if you should have any problems with the roundnose. 62x39 mm ammunition in my Ruger Mini Thirty. 62x39 mm ammunition became available in the U. A smaller gas bushing will make the Mini cycle less violently, but still 100% reliable. The Berdan primer cup is harder then standard boxer primers and the primer is set a few thousands deeper into the primer cup to prevent slam fires. Jump to Latest I have had absolutely no ftf's with these relatively inexpensive 7. 62×39mm cartridge. 62×39mm is Ruger set up the mini 30 for firing standard brass cased,boxer primer ammo. Have fired about 60 rounds of it and no problems and accuracy was very good. 62x39mm Mag No Rear Adapter Provided Our Ruger Mini-30 Buttstock Magazine Pouch (BMP) holds 1 spare 7. 62x39mm and . Still got the Mini-14 and like shooting it. 310-. If your looking for a unique hunting rifle the Mini 30 would make a great choice, 7. The shooing enthusiasts go through this Ruger mini 30 problem while shooting the steel ammo. While testing the Ruger Mini 30, this was the issue that honestly made me the most cautious. The Ruger Mini Thirty 7. Cheapest I've found is 50 cents a round and that is all the lower end stuff, Tula, Wolf and Monarch. it failed and was withdrawn from production. Perhaps not all steel cased ammo would work as well. If you don't though, the Russans have been sending over some sort of steel-cased "for hunting" HP ammo for years, and still do. I also shoot Winchester U Ruger saw an opportunity to upgrade their popular mini-14 with the new caliber ammunition that developed from the AK-47 - the 7. Market, Ruger's Mini-30 continues to be a popular choice, blending the Mini-14 with the power of PolyPerformance ammo with full metal jacket, hollow-point and soft-point options. I'll say it again, it's not that Russian ammo has harder primers, it's the primer seated depth, and the consistency of that depth, that determines if a particular brand will be harder for a Mini to ignite. Whereas the Mini-30 is smaller and lighter and also shooting a smaller 7. 9mm . However, it may cause slightly more wear on the rifle I would love to get to the range with my newest mini 30, and try out a bunch of different ammo. 223, which limits the type of ammunition you can use. 62x39 16inch HBAR Carbine at 100yrds. 308 Dia. Smaller gas bushing and Wilson 1911 buffers equal a Mini that you get back on target quicker, much easier on brass and optics, enhanced accuracy, and less clack and clang when you shoot. So does Arsenal--but it has caused feeding problems in every gun I've tried it in, including a Mini-30. Just curious if it's safe to use steel case ammo in a Mini 30. Because of the price of American ammo and even the super high cost of components for 7. Mini-30. 5K views 8 ramblin84 the PPU RN softpoint ammo feeds well in my mini-30. Be aware that it may or may not like steel cased ammo, as mine had issues with tula and brown bear. I have owned one for over ten years and was shooting S&B Brass cased with it one day and it cracked the reciever! These consisted of Hornady’s 123 grain SST, Winchester’s 120 grain PDX1 Defender and Wolf Performance Ammunition’s 125 grain Soft Point. It's top quality brass cased ammo, now made in the USA. 62x39, Taurus Model 65 Revolver, Ruger 10/22 NRA Edition, Ruger LCR 22, CZ 527 7. 62x39mm cartridge. Jump to Latest I have read many of the Posts regarding the Mini-30 and modifications so it will shoot various types of ammo. I have taken the rifle to several local gunsmiths and they have determined that the pin is not protruding far enough from the bolt, which results in insufficient primer strikes. I fired 10 rounds of Red Army brass-cased ammo, and it performed flawlessly. (We’ll ignore for the moment the P85. 62X39 behind was just too sad. 9. Limited caliber options – The Mini-30 is only chambered for 7. The Ruger Mini Thirty is a good 100-150 yard hunting rifle and plinker, fun to shoot, with a mild recoil, but accuracy suffers a bit when the barrel is hot. YMMV BTW, the SST is outstandingly accurate in my CZ527. I have an M1A and a Mini 14. Not a wildcat and SAMMI approved so ammo would be available. firemountainoutdoors. I was wondering what the track record of the Mini-30 tactical was these days, esp. It makes little difference as I do reload 7. 62 restored, Mosin Nagant 91/30, M92 & M85 PAP I have an older mini 30, i haven't ever used steel case ammo in. Jump to Latest 3. - Ruger 10/22, Mini 14 (580 series), Mini-30 (581 series), GSR . It would be an M14. 56x45mm cartridge used by the Mini-14. 5 Grendel, PPC won't feed through Mini 30 mags, case walls too straight. A Winchester 94 in . My Mini 30 will shoot anything, but likes US made ammo for accuracy, especially BVAC and Remington. If the mini 30 shot 308, it wouldn't be a mini anything. Add Ruger Mini 30 — Video Review. 62 x 39 Ammo types in the mini 30: S & B, Barnual Gold bear, Yugo surplus. PPU also makes a 123 gr. but doing it with a Mini 30 IS phenomenal. I bought some Wolf ammo just to take it to try it out at the range, they didn't cycle well, and several primers were defective, didn't fire. The Mini-30 was born as a result and has remained largely unchanged since it The Ruger Mini-30 is a semi-automatic rifle that was first introduced in 1987. Here is an article I found from American Rifleman years ago: Q: I've been shooting Russian-made 7. best ammo for mini-30? Jump to Latest 9. 62x39 Rifle Semi-Auto, Stainless/Black 5853 | Palmetto State Armory The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Regular Price $1,269. specs are . 22LR ammunition? No, the Ruger Mini-14 is not designed to shoot . I cleaned the gun and tryed again, still the same problem. Is steel-cased ammo bad for my Ruger Mini-30? No, steel-cased ammo is not inherently bad for your Mini-30. 357 Magnum . I loaded everything from Sierra 125gr to flat and round nose 150gr intended for the 30-30. 38 Special . 56mm, can perform well up to 10. Initially I had my reservations on Mini 30 Ammo. In addition, ammunition loaded with more commonly available . 62NATO 147gr FMJ which is the MOST ACCURATE ammo that I have ever fired out of the Mini-30 or Colt 7. The cleaning procedure is pretty much the same except for 3 points they make 1- clean the weapon as soon as posible after shooting. Handgun Ammo Shop All. Not sure if it was the ammo or the gun but I did get rid of it. The throat allowed the use of ammunition with . For what it's worth, if you can find it, try some Fiocchi, I've had GREAT luck with it. For the most part Wolf ammo works fine but I have run across some of the newer imported ammo with harder primers, and the resulting misfires. 62x39mm cartridge instead of the 5. Accuracy of that ammo leaves a bit to be desired though. It features an My Mini-Thirty arrived yesterday! The only problem is that Ruger put a Ruger Blackhawk instruction manual in the box instead of a Ruger Mini-Thirty instruction manual. Can a Ruger Mini-14 shoot . 7x28 . I had a Mini-14 that handled the Wolf . 62x39 that chokes on foreign ammo. October 12, 2020 By Patrick Sweeney. 223 just fine so I sold the Mini-30 and stayed with the Mini-14. As anyone who is, or was a owner of a Ruger Mini 30, most of you have probably tried to fire inexpensive Steel cased ammo in it and have been disappointed with the high percentage of FTF's. Softpoints , with his mini 30 in the Michigan U. For Sale. The Military Classic ammo is designed for military-style rifles. So, yes I've fired Wolf ammo in my Mini 30. 62x39. Ruger Mini Thirty 7. Search. I feel the Mini 14 runs alot smoother then the 30. 300 bore and . redoc Bearcat. Called Ruger and of course they told me only to shoot American made. c Home > Buttstock Ammo Carriers > Buttstock Magazine Pouches > Ruger Mini-30 Buttstock Mag Pouch Kit Holds (1) 20rd. Ruger Mini 30 Wood. 308 ammo The Ruger Mini-14 and Mini-30 are two rifles that often come up in discussions among firearm enthusiasts and hunters. The bolt is cycled by bleeding gas from the barrel as the rifle is fired. 308 groove + 0 The younger brother of the Mini-14, the Ruger Mini-Thirty, was introduced in 1987. " Yes the Mini-30 was designed for saami spec ammo. Most ammunition is slapped together for AK / SKS-type firearms where the function is the primary design goal, but a little handload development can yield satisfactory accuracy. The Interlock Bullet provides excellent terminal performance on big game in a variety of cartridges and calibers to fit The Mini-Thirty centerfire autoloading rifle is a proven performer for deer-sized game at short to medium ranges. Might have been just that gun or the order of Wolf I had. The mini 30 is called the mini 30 because it's the same size as the mini 14 but 30 caliber. Some ammo has a 3% fail to fire rate and some even more. With products made in America, Ruger offers consumers almost 800 variations of more than 40 product lines, across both the Ruger and Marlin brands. Ruger Mini 30 is designed for. The iron sights were I have a mini 30 made in 1991 and it sucks with foreign steel ammo. 30-caliber came as the result of the (bygone) days of cheap Russian and ComBloc imports of 7. Chambered in 7. 62x39mm ammunition is The Ruger admonishment doesn't proscribe foreign ammo, just that is should be within US specs. Personally I would go with the M1A. in my Mini Thirty, Hornady SST ammo is the most accurate. Two expander balls are included in Hornady die sets so . There does seem to be a difference between cycling thru an AK and a Ruger Mini 30. When I was at Ruger the Mini Thirty barrels were made from the same blanks and using the same tools as standard . Buy Ruger Mini-30 Magazines, find the best prices online from top brands for your Ruger in stock only at gunmagwarehouse. Firearms Review: The Ruger Mini-30 Tactical While not ‘bench rest’ accurate, the Mini-30 is certainly capable of engaging man-sized targets out to 300 yards with relative ease. Fiocchi (Italy) is a good buy and acceptably accurate. An ak is reliable, but the best groups I have ever obtained through many, many range trips was 1. Will the stock Ruger Mini 30 shoot steel cased Tula ammo? Decide for yourself if you want to shoot this Russian ammo in your rifle. 99 Ruger Mini Thirty Features The Ruger Mini 30 is a simple, handy and reliable carbine built on a rugged gas piston action based on the legendary M1 Garand. 32 WS, or a Marlin 336, in . 62×39 connoisseurs should reconsider in using. Reloading manuals as well as online sites give reloading date for the 7. And nice to have a fast backup shot. 30 or "slightly" oversized. 5 is a challenge with them as well unless heavily accurized. Currently SG Ammo has Red Army, both regular HP and fragmenting HP, Golden Tiger fragmenting HP, and for $30 more per 1000, S&B brass case FMJ. I saw a youtube video with a guy shooting wolf 150 gr. The firing pin is far less aggressive in the Mini-30 than in those other rifles of Russian origin, despite being of the same caliber. Firing Problem. but the gun shoots accurately The Ruger Mini-30 resembles the M14 and M1 Garand, iconic rifles in American history. In comparison the Ruger Mini-30 needs very little in the area of tweaking and moding. 223 Ammo; Handgun Ammo; 9mm Ammo; Shotgun Dear Ruger, I recently purchased a Mini-30 Tactical and have enjoyed the rifle for the most part, but am having some serious FTF issues due to a faulty firing pin. So for plinking I wouldn't worry so much about the light strikes, or Shop Ruger rifles, pistols, accessories, and much more at Palmetto State Armory today and save! Ruger Mini Thirty 7. 62x39 in . I have heard people say the firing pin will break and others say its just a rumor. My new Mini-30 does ignite Barnaul 125gr soft point steel cased ammo 100% of the time. since Ruger, offers mags for it. NRA Certified Instructor, Life Member NRA Range Safety Officer NRA Recruiter GSSF, CRPA, WSRPA G26, G27, G22x2 My two Mini-30's had the same problem with Wolf steel cased ammo, until I replaced the hammer spring with a Wolff Extra Power hammer spring. 308 125gr ballistic tip and m80 7. Although some folks do it anyway and seem to get by OK, I agree with Ruger. The second part is the Tula ammo is set up for Soviet block full auto AK-47 rifles to prevent slam fires in full auto. Ammunition Testing. 62x39 is similar to 30-30 which is more than enough to take down a white tail deer. www. That's a rare one you have there. 62×39 is a rifle that blends the rugged durability and reliability of the Mini series with the power and versatility of the 7. Hard to practice with these ammo prices. 62 X 39 MM Mini 30, people would be shooting steel cased corrosive ammo through it because of it's low cost and widespread availability, so they incorporated this into the overall design of the weapon. They all shoot fine in my AR, SKS, and AK. 100", I use ones that are . 2- clean the gun exactly as after firing for the next 3 days afterwards 3- boiling water Ruger Mini-14 and Mini-30 Mini 30 Ammo Test Results. Guys. However, it is worth noting that the Mini-Thirty performs best with brass ammunition Ruger Mini-30 Review [Intro music plays] I’ve always been fascinated by the M14’s design, and the Mini-30 is no exception. Mini Thirty- Ammo feeding. 5 moa at 100 yards. 35 Rem levergun territory ever since the Win 94 and similar Marlin's came out. 308 diameter. FWIW, Ruger say's not to use steel cased ammo in your Mini-30. 62x39mm guns and ammunition. Nominal . (although it will shoot the larger diameter) Question: All things other being equal, does the powder amount change between loading for the . 311 inch, but Ruger’s Mini Thirty and the company’s bolt-action Model 77 use American . Related FAQs: 1. Let’s get real serious for a moment; delayed firing is no joke. So not everyone will take a new Mini-30 out of the box and have trouble free ignition with Berdan primed Russian ammo. 6 ARC, 6. Yes, the Ruger Mini-14 can use steel-cased ammunition without any issues. The mini 30 tatical I received fired all the steel cased ammo I fed it with no light primer strikes. Handgun Ammo . 40 S&W . The 7. 308 bullet works well in the mini thirty. 311/. Mini 30 Ammo. Hi Larry, My Mini 30 will shoot anything, but likes US made ammo for accuracy, especially BVAC and Remington. Add to Cart. Foreign brass cased ammo works just fine as well, but may give up I'm going to order some MFS from Cabela's & try it out in my Mini 30. These newer mini 30s are a lot more accurate than the older ones. First introduced when large stocks of 7. Brass Cases Matter! Mark runs several brands of Brass cased 7. I could use some help. 62×39mm cartridge was known for its excellent performance and affordability, and the combination created a desirable new option for rifle shooters. The gas drives a short stroke piston, which operates the bolt. 56 Ammo; 300 Blackout Ammo. Mini Thirty ® Their short barrels and overall short length make them favorites in any application where maneuverability and ease of handling are priorities. . Like anything connected to the Soviet Union, historical information is unreliable. Of the three both the Hornady and Wolf loads feature steel cartridge cases. 30- caliber specifications, which call for . Whether you're looking for a Mini 30 and Russian ammo. 225" COAL, feeds from stock Ruger Mini 30 mags. barrels, but were selected among those towards the maximum allowable tolerance for a normal . Cherish it. It is a variation of the popular Ruger Mini-14, but it fires the 7. After that ignition was 100%. Wayno and mcb66, do you both have the newer, 58x series Mini-30s? I've heard that the 58x series shoot the Russkie ammo more accurately with their thicker barrels (much like my 583 series Ranch Rifle does) and that all 58x series Minis have a stronger firing pin and that coupled with a Wolff hammer spring, eliminates many of the issues with light strikes with the I could use some help with good load for my new Mini 30 in . For something that might be used for anti personnel, the As anyone who is, or was a owner of a Ruger Mini 30, most of you have probably tried to fire inexpensive Steel cased ammo in it and have been disappointed with the high Any . Will using steel-cased ammo reduce the lifespan of the Mini-30? Using steel-cased ammunition with the Mini-30 will not significantly impact its lifespan and it will still provide reliable performance for a long time. 125" Barrel 20-Rounds - $1036. 62NATO 147gr FMJ which is the MOST ACCURATE ammo that I have ever Is steel-cased ammo bad for my Ruger Mini-30? No, steel-cased ammo is not inherently bad for your Mini-30. 308 - Saiga 7. 5. chasing 1. The mini 14 is called the mini 14 because it's a miniaturized M14. 35 Remington, filled tens of thousands of freezers in every state with venison every hunting season. Over the counter ammo is about impossible to find except for steel case Tula. The problem is I can buy . According to Ruger's video, it is safe to shoot steel cased ammo. 99. Has anybody ever sent a Mini-30 back to Ruger over Ruger Mini Thirty 7. Like many 7. The Ruger Mini 30 has no issues shooting steel cased ammunition. 62x39 round. People who own the rifle quite often experience this Ruger mini 30 problem. The Mini-30 and Import Ammo - Ruger Forum . 62×39 Semi-Automatic Rifle Review. 7. Looks like that is a perfect marriage of firearm and Cartridge in your area. 310 to . 62×39 into more of a general purpose rifle. I demonstrate shooting this Mini-30 with Russian steel cased, Berdan-primed ammunition, which Question about Ruger mini 30 and . When you pull the trigger, and nothing happens, your gut reaction might be to rack the gun and Huge Selection of AR15 Uppers, AR15 Parts, Ammunition, Handguns, Rifles, Shotguns and Shooting Accessories at Great Low Prices The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. Poor accuracy – The Mini-30 is capable of decent accuracy, but it won’t match the precision of bolt-action rifles. Never had an issue with the steel cased ammo. Sent from my iPhone using Ruger Forum . The Ruger Mini Thirty, an Alternative to the AK ? GunsAmerica Blog "High average velocity, with accompanying flat the mini 30, with the right ammo and good marksmanship is very accurate, will shoot submoa, and is reliable. 96/44 Blackhawk As far as steel case ammo I do recall Ruger saying the Mini Thirty was not designed for it. Surplus 7. 308 - . 62x39 ammunition that is ballistically similar to a 30-30, the Ruger Mini Thirty is a blast to shoot with the added attribute of Of course it will. No metal protrusion on the bolt face. . There are many pages written in magazines and on various internet forums about what it would take to turn the 7. 308-inch bullets. The majority of the ammo used has been Tula and Military Classic 123gr FMJ plus some handloads that I made using Nosler . That's why I pointed out the specs of firing pin protrusion. In 1987, Ruger introduced the Mini Thirty rifle chambered for the Russian 7. com The store will not work correctly when cookies are disabled. 62 X 39 16. 62x39 I buy the cheap imported stuff. 62×39mm, the same round the mini 14 is awesomethe mini 30 is a bolt action/single shot with russian or steel ammoimo ruger shouldnt have put out a 7. 5 This 50-round drum magazine from ProMag is compatible with Ruger Mini-30 7. It is well known that the Ruger Mini-30 tends to be more picky about ammo than, say, an SKS or Kalashnikov. Used Barnaul, Wolf and Tula ammo that ran fine through a Norinco Mak90 but had plenty of problems with the Ruger. The Ruger Mini Thirty combined with quality optics mated to quality ammunition in the form of the Hornady 123gr SST is what many 7. 62x39 Rifle Semi-Auto, Stainless/Black - 5853 . The stock gas bushing for a Mini-30 is . 62x39 ammo through the Ruger Mini-30 in a quest for the best group. The classic there is the lever action rifle. High cost – The Ruger Mini-30 is expensive when compared to other semi-automatic rifles. It’s designed to be resilient and can handle a variety of ammunition types with ease. Ammunition runs the gamut from inexpensive surplus and steel cased ammo to American-made ammunition that’s suitable for hunting and patrol use. The yugo and Gold bear shoot to the the same POI for me, so those are my primary GO-TO loads. 308" bullets can be used in 7. 310 Dia. It does not shoot some forms of ammunition reliability. 311 Dia. " R. For 2017 Ruger has expanded the Mini-Thirty line with the American made and built to last, the Ruger Mini 30 for sale is an ideal rifle for hunting or just having fun at the range. SG Ammo, though, imports it from Tulammo. Its Garand-style action with breech bolt locking system is a fixed-piston gas system and self-cleaning which gives unparalleled reliability u Rifle Ammo; 5. 44 Magnum . Ruger’s Mini series has been around since 1973 in some form or other, and these rifles’ enduring popularity is a testament to their excellence and simplicity. The drum housing is constructed of a proprietary DuPont Zytel-based polymer and has a hybrid-steel upper magazine tower. Ruger’s move to make their Mini-14 in . S. Ruger Mini-14 and Mini-30 New Mini-30 Tactical Report Recently Picked up this new 584 series stainless steel Mini-30 Tactical Firing pin protrusion measured about . Overall I found the performance of Ruger’s Mini-Thirty 5868 Tactical to be quite good. The rie handles everything well except the The majority of the ammo used has been Tula and Military Classic 123gr FMJ plus some handloads that I made using Nosler . These are built for rifles like AK-47. When I went to the webpage to read the manual, I found a video describing the Mini-Thirty. What is the maximum magazine capacity for a Ruger Mini-14? The maximum magazine capacity for a Ruger Mini-14 is typically 30 rounds. 223/5. Then there is the matter of bullet size. Ruger's Mini-30 has a . 312 projectiles by gradually squeezing them to the . 62×39 is a remarkable semi-automatic rifle that brings a lot to the table for shooting enthusiasts, hunters, and collectors alike. 62 x 39mm cases. The Mini-14, chambered in . The Bad: Trigger pull measures #6. you should look into a M1A. My friend has a Mini 30, that I've shot a few times and it isn't bad, though it seemed kinda picky with ammo. Hornady adds the popular Interlock bullet to their lineup of Straight Wall ammunition, purpose-built for reliability and accuracy in every weapon system. Ruger knew when they introduced the 7. 22LR ammunition. 308 . Part number I used is #30351. 062". As far as go to war ammo for the Mini-30, Ulyanovsk +fragtastic" 8M3 124 HPs with pre-fail cuts inside the hollow point are devastating. Ruger introduced the Mini-30 in 1986. 380 Auto (ACP) Ammo for the Mini-30 hasn't really escaped the latest panic. 308" bore. 62×39 firearms, ammunition is a significant factor in accuracy. jrrxjglzwhgqqnjyydoavpsyonlsvubqrutnunhqmcocfofhhwwqubnkjwrlwemftfwwlkxksbzo