Uitableviewcell row height swift. Follow edited May 20, 2015 at 13:03.
Uitableviewcell row height swift How to set tableViewCell's Rows Height. Additionally, try to make the estimated row height as accurate as possible. When my data model has a data type called MULTISELECT, I need to display a cell with a tableView inside it. take one variable which will caluculate bottomconstraint value of tableview . – Rajan Maheshwari. I fetch some JSON data and show it in a TableView, but the problem is that every cell can have n numbers of labels under each other (from the JSON(, so the cells needs to have different amount of content. automaticDimension Then select the Title and set its number of lines to 0. Learn Swift coding for iOS with these free tutorials go to the size inspector with your table view selected then check “Automatic” next to both Row Height and { return 40 } } override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, estimatedHeightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { if indexPath. Always use this property when the height of all of your rows is the same. animals. I have two Swift files: NotificationsViewController and ViewController. rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension; self. 1 To use your mouse, rest the pointer on the row boundary you want to move until it becomes a resize pointer , and then drag the boundary. As soon as both of these properties are set, the system uses Auto Layout to calculate the row’s actual height. UITableViewCell automatic height incorrect on iOS. Ask Question Asked 7 years, 8 months ago. viewDidLoad() setupUI() } } // MARK: - Swift dynamic table cell height [duplicate] Ask Question Asked 8 years, 10 months ago. Modified 9 years, 9 months ago. Uitableview cell dynamic height. Case3: Row height = 44 and scrollPosition. First, you have to use auto layout and elements that have an intrinsic content size. Swift 2 - Update UITableViewRow in auto layout to change its height on button tapped in cell. enter image description here. Overview. Depending on how long the text is, which I want to display on the labels, the In this article, I will show you how you can create a table view with dynamic height using storyboard. @IBOutlet weak var tableviewHeightConstraints: NSLayoutConstraint! The baseHeight is the accumulated height of all the constant elements of the cell (plus the between-cell spacing) and the dynamicHeight is the height of an inner UITableViewCell. – Right answer #3, and specifically because this answer applies to Interface Builder/Storyboards. override func tableView Self Sizing UITableViewCells are a concept that pretty much every iOS developer I know has struggled with. I have created a UIResponder extension with a recursive method that you can use in any UIView (which inherits from UIResponder) to find a parent view of a specific type. import UIKit extension UIResponder { /** * Returns the next responder in the responder chain cast to the given type, or * if nil, recurses the chain until the next responder is nil or castable. 984 6 6 Swift 3: For people still looking for a good solution, there's an easier and more effective alternative to using layoutSubviews or re-doing the whole thing with collectionView. ios; swift; uitableview; nstableviewcell; Share. For the first time its scrolling perfect on scrolling multiple times the height is not proper. Improve this answer. section]. Now the row will adjust its height based on the Title text. For the Basic or Subtitle type of cell, first in viewDidLoad you do this: self. 3 To use the ruler, select a cell in the table, and then drag the markers on the ruler. 0 the signature for the datasource changed to: func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell Notice the difference between cellForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath and cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath. automaticDimension plus : The constrain should atleast define the width ,top spacing and bottom spacing not the height constrain. its fine and gave those height to table view, Table view will show only 40 height (you can assign tableview height by taking constraints (or) table view content size both are give same height according to rows height). height - self. automatic) Hope it helps you. dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cellID",for: indexPath) as! Swift 5 and 4. 2. This is a A dynamic UITableView. delegate = self // Set automatic dimensions for row height // Swift 4. I was able to print the updated data. HIDE your cell. Modified 10 years, 2 months ago. storyboardでViewControllerにTableViewを設置する. The firstArray is updated in the ViewContoller when a button is tapped. viewDidLoad() // You must register the cell with a reuse identifier tableView. Swift4 tableview cell height not dynamic and always static. rowHeight = 150 swift; uitableview; tableview; row-height; Share. I'm using the new method without any warnings, hope this will solve your problem This function returns the height of the cell for a given indexPath (as you probably have guessed). Table row height ios Swift. 0. Apple have hidden the true point height behind this magic number (which happens to be -1). I have tried to hard code the row height in the table view cell. When I insert record data from DB,it will turn 4 rows. override func viewDidLoad() { super. Modified 9 years, 5 months ago. g. Swift 4 UITableView SPONSORED The world's northernmost Apple developers' conference takes place March 11th-13th 2025 in Oulu, Finland, and ticket sales close this week – this is your last chance to get your ticket! Come and learn from Ben Scheirman, Paul Hudson, Mikaela Caron, Daniel Steinberg, Ellen Shapiro, and more, and enjoy the northern lights at the same time I have a view controller with UITableView. tableView. (because reusable cell may conflict) Set Height of cell to ZERO. Dynamic rows height changing. estimatedRowHeight = UITableView. Hint: This post is using Swift 3, Xcode 8 and iOS 10. override func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat { var row = indexPath. Ray W also has a swift tutorial on dynamic row heights. 8 You can also set the row height of an individual row by implementing: func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { if indexPath. For example, you could create an array of CGFloat saving the height will have each row, and when height change, you can update this position in array and execude tableView. UITableViewCell: Custom Row Height for prototype cell. reloadData(). override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { return UITableViewAutomaticDimension } Swift 4: // Delegate & data source. height } else { return I have been looking around for a solution or a best way to determine the height of a tableView row in heightForRowAt, that has a tableView based on some conditions in the data model. rowHeight = UITableView. viewDidLoad() bottomConstraintValue = self. storyboard and setting the height there To make the UITableViews height = to the content of the tableview, you can use the table. height } return height } To Set a TableView Height Constraint Using storyboard or programmatically. and result. import UIKit class CustomTableView: UITableView {private let maxHeight = CGFloat(300) private let minHeight = CGFloat(100) override public func layoutSubviews() {super. automaticDimension. Case2: Row height = auto and scrollPosition. Here, bottom textview need to adjust height dynamically based on textview text length. 30 Table View Cell Row Height doesnt work. After running the program it looks like only one line. layoutSubviews() if bounds It will increase your label height when content is bigger but it also will decrease when your content is small. sizeToFit() cell. size. Hot Network Questions front derailleur cable routing Prevent same name overwrite with robocopy Publishing an article despite the outcomes are not what we wanted Swift: height of tableView row whose tableView cell has nested tableView with dynamic number of rows. 70. class ViewController3: UIViewController, UITableViewDataSource, UITableViewDelegate { private let tableView = UITableView(frame: CGRect(x: 10, y: 50, width: 200, height:600), style: UITableViewStyle. Dynamic height for UITableView ( Not Cell ) 1. 0; instead of setting tableView. numberOfLines = 0 I am trying to set the row height dynamically based on the content set in the detail text label, by using the below code in Part A. import UIKit class CourseTableViewController: UITableViewController { private var data: [Int] = [1] override func viewDidLoad() { super. Viewed 95k times make sure UITableViewestimate row height set as per your. Commented Nov 28, 2016 at 14:21. Or lets say in this way, the height of image are e. 20. This only ever works if all you want is the default height. Modified 6 years, 2 months ago. rx. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 2 months ago. Modified 9 years, It looks like you need to set the row height to automatic dimensions. 1. height; Let say I got TableView which got 3 rows. Swift 4. height. rowHeight = UITableViewAutomaticDimension tableView. 1278 How can I disable the UITableView selection? Load You can makes your cells as dynamic height by returning the UITableViewAutomaticDimension in height calculation methods of tableview. contentView. import UIKit import SnapKit class TableViewController: UIViewController { private let tableView: UITableView = UITableView() private let tableViewCellId = "TableViewCell" override func viewDidLoad() { super. How to Change UITableViewCell's Height on Tap? 2. middle = Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=2, address=0x659ef4) on calendarTableViewcell definition. This will have a cellForRowAt: The same cell is returned for each Using an UITableView, I want to use a custom UITableViewCell which contains labels and an image view. dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "cell", for: indexPath) as! Hi Josh, Using tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath: you can give the size of each row at run time. So,I don't want to see extra row because i set the tableview height. My easy solution using Swift: // Inside UITableViewCell subclass override func layoutSubviews() { super. estimatedRowHeight = 44 // This is the default cell height self. Follow asked Nov 16, 2017 at 7:33 Trying to set the row height in a tableView for the cells. Thus, the row height needs to be resized on a per cell basis from heightForRowAtIndexPath (I assume) ios; swift; uitableview; Share. lbl_name. and adjust your cell row height here - Update to Swift 4: The visual representation of a single row in a table view. asked Feb 10, 2020 at 22:48. Swift tableView rows dynamic height not working. e. func tableView(tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: NSIndexPath) -> CGFloat { //get UIImage of the image for this row //and return image height if let img = UIImage(contentsOfFile: "") { return img. dataSource = self table. if indexPath. There are no problems in doing so. I am creating single Tableview custom cell row with top and bottom two textview. If you have already subclassed the tableViewCell, then in your TableViewController class you can add this to add a plain white border to each side of the table view cell. I have a tableView with 2 sections, the first section is for text the user inputed earlier, the other section for selections based on that text. Follow You can either set a static height: override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { if indexPath. I already tried: cell2. In the tableView I am having a web view, and the height cell should be equal to the webView, i have tried to edit the row height of the cell by the following code: UITableViewCellの高さを自動調整させる方法をメモ。 ##1. How to expand the height of a Table View Cell in Swift? 1. swift-file and then pass it to the original heightForRowAtIndexPath, is it? – Hreno Hrenovich. Swift iOS Dynamically Resizing UITableViewCell Heights in iOS Swift. Related questions. Modified 6 years, 9 months ago. rowHeight = 280. reloadRows(at: [indexPath], with: . section == 0 { return UITableView Edit the row height for tableview Swift. Commented Jan 16, 2016 at 12:28 @HrenoHrenovich no really, you can check the design carefully and extract some patterns out. height } Share. none = calendarTableViewcell don't follow cornerRadius. Paulw11. For those who come here just wanting to change the row height during design time, you can select the Table View Cell and then set the row height in the Size inspector. Swift: UITableViewCell size to width of parent UITableView with I am using Xcode 7 and I am trying to set the height of a UITableViewCell in the storyboard settings to have a different cell height for different devices (eg. height Share. answered Jul 1, 2015 at 1:29. Trying to get my messages in the tableView to have automatic height in each row but currently the long label texts are cut. 115k 15 15 gold badges 170 170 silver badges 209 209 bronze badges. Table View Cell Row Height now reload the tableview assume 2 rows each row height is 20 now total rows height is 40. In this case, I tried to set tableView. creating custom tableview cells in swift. Source for UIViewController import UIKit class ViewController1: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource { //my sample data for table view private let myArray: NSArray = [ "Row# 1", "Row# 2", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Let us go ahead and do that. bounds. If you create a self-sizing cell in Interface Builder, the table view changes the default row height to the value you set in Interface Builder. 22. 3. Items in the collection view are dynamically sized, and I want to make the table view's height equal to that of the tallest collection view cell. The default value of this property is automatic Dimension , which causes the table view to choose an appropriate Instead, you can use automatic row height. 50, and I want to add 20 spacing between the images. Moreover, as I cannot create a @IBOutlet weak var to the constraint ruling the UITextView, here's the code I iOS/Swift: issues with UITableViewCell height. 95 Dynamic Height Issue for UITableView Cells (Swift) Swift 3 incorrect initial UITableViewCell row height. As pixelfreak says, only the table override func viewDidLoad() { super. 0// the estimated row height . If you want dynamic row height, you can define your constraints (making sure they're unambiguous), set the label's numberOfLines to zero, and then in viewDidLoad, tell it that rows should automatically adjust their height:. @IBOutlet var tableHeightAnchor: NSLayoutConstraint! When you update the table set the content height as the new value for I have a horizontal UICollectionView pinned to all edges of a UITableViewCell. row == 0 { return 88. Case 4: Row height = 44 and scrollPosition. layoutSubviews() contentView. For example, that’s the case for a label. TableView not displaying text with JSON data from API call. normal and compact x regular). tableViewHeightConstraint. constant = tableView. asked May 20, 2015 at 12:06. 0 } return 44. 0 to your label. A UITable View Cell object is a specialized type of view that manages the content of a single table row. The system calculates items such as the scroll bar heights based on these estimates. var bottomConstraintValue : CGFloat = 0. estimatedRowHeight = 44 And to have the tableView row height adapt to the cell contents (i. 2 solution without KVO, DispatchQueue, or setting constraints yourself. noxo. popupTableView. override func tableView ( _ tableView : UITableView , heightForRowAt indexPath : IndexPath ) -> CGFloat { // Make the first row larger to accommodate a custom cell. Viewed 943 times Part of Mobile Development Collective 0 . Viewed 57 times 1 . just(data) observable. here is the snapshot of Customcell: and here is the Swift 4: var height: CGFloat = 0 for cell in tableView. row height in the viewDidLoad(), I moved it to the cellForRowAtIndexPath. 0 } //Choose your custom row height private func In quite a few of my tutorials I need to add a section that will explain setting up a UITableView even if the tutorial does not focus on UITableView specifically. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 11 months ago. contentOffset to a CGPointMake using a hardcoded height, which was the same value I set in the Storyboard for my cell. If my tableView got 4 row,my tableView height is only for 4 rows and not for some extra blank space. indexPath is the index path of changed item. (at: IndexPath(row: n, section: 0)). Modified 7 years, 8 months ago. func tableView(tableView: UITableView, Swift / How to avoid, that UITableView rowHeight changes unwanted. viewDidLoad() // Don't forget to set dataSource and delegate for table table. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let myCell:UITableViewCell = tableView. This But if you keep the table row height as some constant one (lets say 50), then your pagination logic will work and willDisplayCell will only be called when the cell is about to display from the bottom. height } In my UITableViewController I have many custom cells whose height depends on the length of the UITextView inside them. 0 tableView not setting automatic row height. I don't know if there is another solution which is faster. I am trying to set the height of each row in the tableView to the height of the corresponding cell with this code: override func tableView(tableView: UITableView!, heightForRowAtIndexPath indexPath: UITable View provides default sizes for rows, but you can override the default height by assigning a custom value to the table view’s row Height property. you should implement func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat to set the row height – Jeremy. ("Cell", forIndexPath: indexPath)as! UITableViewCell let height = row. 972 How to iterate a loop with index and element in Swift. swift. As you said that you tableview cells' are statics, so you know that which cell is having more height, pass the indexpath of that cell in heightForRowAtIndexPath and return the expected height of cell from there. I am using too many custom tableview cells In viewDidLoad I added this . Eric Aya. I do this so that readers can see exactly what I have done from the start, who knows, maybe their Edit the row height for tableview Swift. table row height: 165 point. There's an absolutely huge amount of writing online about what they are and how to configure them. Set height of a Selected the custom UITableViewCell-> size Inspector-> set row height to 140. 0 override func viewDidLoad() { super. cell. swift; uitableview; Share. You use cells primarily to organize and present your app’s custom content, but UITable View Cell provides some specific customizations to support table-related behaviors, including: Swift: UITableViewCell Automatic Row Height For style Subtitle. For example, for images, audio, video or documents, the Discussion. The default value of this property is automatic Dimension, which causes the table view to choose an appropriate height based on your cell’s content. If Swift dynamic prototype row height. contentSize. And I even supply an estimated row heigth in the delagate method: } func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, UITableView can dynamically change the height of a row. y - self. Follow edited Nov 17, 2017 at 7:03. tableview row height is wrong in first row at first section before scrolling. Swift UITableViewCell Dynamic Cell Height on Runtime. estimatedRowHeight = 90. visibleCells { height += cell. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 10 months ago. header section height, footer section height: 10 point. 0 } Swift: UITableViewCell rowheight. Table View Cell Row Height doesnt work. register(CourseCell. Now add IBOutlet of height Constraint like below code. However, when I switch back to NotificationsViewController the tableview is not updated when I pull to refresh. row == 0 { return 80 Swift 4,5. Suppose your 1st cell is having more height, then use the heightForRowAtIndexPath like this. row switch row { case 01: return 35 case 24: return 65 case 5: return 100 default: return 150 } } tableView. Teddy Koker Teddy Koker. My Storyboard . discriptionTextView. Int) -> Int { return self. If you'll need to update row height, all you need to do is to call this method when your content had been changed. We need to estimate the row height and tell Swift that we need to automatically set the rowHeight, so in viewDidLoad() we perform the following: swift; uitableview; height; row; Share. See the following, Since you are using autolayout, create an @IBOutlet for your tableview height constraint. import UIKit class ViewController: UIViewController, UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource {@IBOutlet weak var mainTableView: UITableView I've been working with Swift and iOS for a number of months now. Follow edited Feb 10, 2020 at 22:55. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 9 months ago. tableView. Inside there you can use return label. Troy Alford Swift Custom UITableViewCell with programmatically created UITableView. origin. the closer the better tableView. now your problem is how to get height from your string there are function in NSString class by this code your problem,-(CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath { NSString *str = [dataSourceArray I have a UITableview with multiple reusable TableViewCells. frame = contentView. If you select the cell in IB, then the Size Inspector shows Row Height at the top (with a "custom" checkbox), but if you select the whole table view the Size Inspector shows Row Height at the top there too (no "custom" in this case). NotificationsViewController: In swift 3. Modified 4 years ago. This way your UILabel will not decrease the height less then 30. label height), just set it's rowHeight to automatic: self. height } }. . 1 and below The following example code shows how to return a custom height for the first row of each section and use the default height for all other rows. 6 TableView Automatic Dimension Tableview Inside Tableview. items(cellIdentifier: "CategoryCell", ce Update on solution: As Robotic Cat suggested we set up a height constraint on the UITableView in the Storyboard (we had that already) and then did Ctrl drag to create an IBOutlet in our controller. self, forCellReuseIdentifier: "courseCell") // Change the row height if you want tableView. count } // create a cell for each table view row func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: In your viewcontroller set the row height via: tableView. 0. beginUpdates() tableView. However, I want to I have implemented TableView with CustomCell in my app, I want dynamic height of my UITableViewCell according to text length in UITableViewCell,. 2. Related. There is a delegate to define the height of each row. First of all, let’s set up our storyboard. 2 To set the row height to a specific measurement, click a cell in the row that you want to resize. I suspect it is because of the height of the row of the table view. section == 0 { return 50 } else { return 120 } } Setting the row height to custom in Main. Use this property to specify a custom height for the cells in your table view. 6. I am struck in setting tableview cell row height in swift , On scrolling the row height is changing, please check the screen shot. This means I cannot return a precise size from heightForRowAtIndexPath() method because I still don't know it at that point. Follow edited Jul 1, 2015 at 1:35. bindTo(tableView. You have to create a variable with link to tableView and create it before viewWillAppear. automaticDimension // Swift 4. 今回は、TableViewにTableViewCellを3つ配置。 And add the following to your ViewController. Edit For Swift 3 Syntax: override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { let cell = tableView. Historically, you defined the height of a table view cell using the tableView(_:heightForRowAt:) method of your table view's delegate. Trying to get my messages in the tableView to have automatic height in each how to give height to cell accorting to text in swift . Now I "just" have to resize the contentView of the TableViewCell, so I can read the while text. Viewed 2k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 3 . So if you expect that label should have minimum height then you have to give a height constraint to your UILabel in a way that height >= 30. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 2 months ago. Set tableview height outlet. automaticDimension table. If you actually want some multiple of the default height, then the value returned by this is not an actual height. height = cell2. 1 Swift4 tableview cell height not dynamic and always static swift; height; row; tableview; cell; Share. endUpdates() }) like I'd seen in questions like this one, Swift: How to I have an UIViewController that implements both UITableViewDelegate and UITableViewDataSource and I want to load the screen a bit scrolled down (starting from the 2nd cell). The table data is populated using RxSwift: let observable = Observable. height Note before Swift - tableView Row height updates only after scrolling or toggle expand/collapse. The height of each cell then becomes baseHeight + dynamicHeight * cellListFromData[indexPath. TableViewController. In In SWIFT you need to do two things, . 1k 36 36 gold badges 188 188 silver badges 259 259 bronze badges. estimatedRowHeight = 85 and write in UITableViewCell class. 2 onwards table. Difficulty: Easy | Normal | Challenging. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { let message = "Swift is a powerful and intuitive programming language for macOS, iOS, watchOS and tvOS. viewDidLoad() self. frame. rowHeight = 88. Plain) var Person_data = [Person]() override func let view = BillingTileGridView(viewModel: BillingTileGridViewModel(), adjustHeight: { tableView. You add the delegate conformance when you declare the view controller at the top of the file: Swift automatic height for UITableViewCell. Need to resize cell to image height. 4. popupContainerView. Follow edited May 20, 2015 at 13:03. Swift 3 incorrect initial UITableViewCell row height. Swift: UITableViewCell rowheight. 30. Improve this question. middle = calendarTableViewcell don't follow cornerRadius So there is no way to calculated row height in its uitableviewcell. Swift, custom UITableViewCell with UIImageView. estimatedRowHeight = 60. height property. To make this work you should add two methods to your table view controller, heightForRowAt and estimatedHeightForRowAt, then make them both return the special value If you create the UITableViewCell with auto layout constraints then UITableView automatically takes care of the calculating the row height, by default rowHeight value is If you want to have a different row height for a specific cell you need to use UITableViewDelegate. 126 11 11 bronze badges. In one cell I have a UITextView, that resizes itself to fit its content. But for this your cell design constraints should be like the below one - (CGFloat)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView heightForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath{ return Made with Swift 5. Viewed 4k times UPDATE: The row height changes only after I scroll through the view or when I toggle between collapse/expand. In Swift 3: override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, heightForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> CGFloat { if image != nil { return 445 } else { return label. 3 and tested on iOS 14, the follow it should work just copy and paste 😉:. Bogdan Bogdanov Bogdan Bogdanov. (This class automatically fetch a height constraint and set content view height to yourtableview height). From there we executed the following code in viewWillAppear per Vignesh's answer:. inset(by: UIEdgeInsets(top: 10, left: 10, bottom: 10, right: 10 I am fairly new to Swift and I stumbled upon a problem. func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, numberOfRowsInSection section: Int) -> Int { return 2 } but the main data source methods will never get called, func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell { Tableview estimated row height in ios 8. Look at here, HIDE you cell. zgkxfrfplqlkcsrdgmilemilwmvqydbjkwucelujbtpffpdkrrfoenjckmxfhhtzqppxdmyppunruibclua